- Dalian Daji Automobile Engine Company Ltd. 大连大机汽车发动机有限公司。
- Yonghegong Lamasery is the largest lama temple in Beijing. 雍和宫是北京城内规模最大的喇嘛寺。
- Time-honored Qianmen Dajie is an ancient business street of Beijing. 前门大街历史悠久,是北京古老的商业街道。
- Ling Feng takes Yulan and Daji in when they are chased out by their landlord. 玉兰和大吉被房东赶走,幸被凌丰收留。
- The most famous are: Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, Fragrant Hill and Yonghegong Lama Buddhist Temple. 最著名的有天安门广场,故宫,天坛,香山和雍和宫。
- The steles in Yonghegong are incised with Han, Man, Mongolian, and Tibetan script. 雍和宫的匾额是用汉、满、蒙、藏文雕刻的。
- Now Yonghegong is a temple belonging to the Yellow Hats, and it is very prosperous. 现在的雍和宫属于黄教的寺庙,香火很旺。
- Demolition of houses along Jiu Gulou Dajie continues, despite opposition from scholars and experts. (尽管学者专家们一致反对,鼓楼大街的房屋拆迁还在进行。)
- The third was in the 1920s, which was the time when the Qianmen Dajie in people's imagination began to be built. 第三次是上世纪二十年代,人们印象中的前门大街从那时起开始建立。
- The Yonghegong Lama Temple is a famous Tibetan lamasery. But it has characters of imperial palace because of its history . 一皇家园林建筑,因由原行宫改建,所以保留了大量的皇家建筑特点,例如狮子等。
- Dajie is the above-mentioned products in the northeastern region of the northern regional agents or agents. 达杰公司是上述产品在东北地区的代理商或北方区域代理。
- Yonghegong: Built in the qing dynasty,it is the largest and bestknoe lamaist temple in beijing.it houses a huge statue of the tathagate buddha carved from sandlwood. 雍和宫:是现在北京地区规模最大,最著名的喇嘛庙,建于清代。内有著名的檀香木巨型弥勒站像,十分壮观。
- Prince Wen: This is Impossible! Daji is the unlucky person, let me count and see. 周:不可能!妲己乃是不祥人,待我算算。
- Youth Hostels around the adjacent Olympic Park, yuandadu City Wall Ruins, the Chinese nation Park, ditan, yonghegong and other Olympic venues and cultural sites. 客栈周边毗邻奥运公园、元大都城垣遗址、中华民族园、地坛、雍和宫等奥运场馆和名胜古迹。
- It is surrounded by Jinhe River in the northeast, Xiyingmenwai Dajie in the south, and Fenyang Li residence in the west. 四至为:东北至津河,南至西营门外大街,西至汾阳里现状住宅。
- The second phase of the Qianmen Dajie project is now being proved, and there might be a Siheyuan-style star-rated hotel built. 前门大街二期工程现在正在论证当中,有可能是建成四合院样式的星级饭店。
- In the "super station car", the construction site is as easy as Daji Mu, like paint, like whim. 在“超级站车”看来,建网站就像搭积木一样简单,像画画一样随心所欲。
- Daji : Your majesty, I'm so bored oo....I feel like playing same treasure today. 妲:大王,臣妾很闷哦,很想玩一些宝物。
- Hearing the pitiful yell, Daji smile happier like flowers to shiver all over, and Chou Wang laughs wildly too. 依此看来,妲己具备施虐型人格。她就借著纣王制造出一系列惨剧,以供一哂。
- Later, Qianmen Dajie retained much of its former features and several garment shops and department stores were stationed here. 后来,前门大街这些特点大部分都被保留下来,还开设了好几家大服装店、百货商店。